I want a t-shirt with this image of Raven, and "No more mom jeans!" a-la Shepard Fairey's "Obama Hope" sign.

I don't think the writers of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" realized how true this is.
That's my favorite way of describing a dinosaur tooth...
I want to hang out with Paleontologists.
"Sister Wives" logic.
I recently watched "Leprechaun: In The Hood" for the first time... To say that it "blew my mind" would be the understatement of the century! It had from death-by-afropic to drag queens to inspiring rappers to racist comments so shocking that I can't believe an all black cast made the film. All that, AND not a single woman is killed. I can't think of a single other horror film that doesn't kill any women. Expect a more detailed blog. In the meantime, be appeased by these two gems of screenshots which depict the heroes dressing in drag as a last ditch effort to defeat the Leprechaun (don't ask, just watch). I couldn't pick which one I liked better, so I put both on.
That's what she said... Or something.
That's what... he said?