I whip my hair back and forth
I value my self expression.
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I will exercise my individuality regardless of what others think.
I whip my hair back and forth
My personal freedom is worth celebration
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
Careful or my creativity may lash out at you
I whip my hair back and forth
My fashion is colorful in nature, which represents my beliefs in self-expression
I whip my hair back and forth
Creativity can be exercised regardless of the personal space of others.
I whip my hair back and forth
Attempts to stifle my creativity will not be tolerated
I whip my hair back and forth
My self-expression will not be curbed by your reservations.
Hop up out the bed turn my swag on
From the moment I awake, my individuality is brimming
Aint no sense listining to them haters cuz we whip em off
I will not allow you to contain my self-expression
And we aint doing nothing wrong
Personal freedom is not a crime
So dont tell me nothing, i'm just tryna have fun
I will not listen to your stifling comments while I express myself
So keep the party jumping
Let us all express ourselves without stopping
So whats up (yea)
Do we have a problem?
And i'll be doing what to do
I will continue this behavior
We turn our back
I will not expose my senses to those critical of my expression
And we walk over and just shake them off
You will not even know when I reject your negativity
Shake them off, shake them off,shake them off
Do not give in to society trying to hold you down.
Don't let haters keep me off my grind
You will not restrain my individuality
Keep my head up and I know i'll be fine
I relish my own self-validation
Keep fighting until I (yea)
I will not allow myself to be stifled…
Am down and I feel like giving up
Until I don’t feel like it anymore.
I whip my hair back and forth
I value my expression above all else
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
Your personal space may be victim to my creativity
I whip my hair back and forth
My hair is a relentless expression of my body and therefore of my individuality
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
My hair is a symbol for conformity and when I whip it, I reject your conformity
I whip my hair back and forth
Society cannot contain my creativity.
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I have broken free of society’s expectations of me
I whip my hair back and forth
You may continue to live your picture perfect existence but I do not
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
This here snakeskin jacket is a symbol of my individuality and belief in personal freedom
I whip my hair back and forth
Your expectations for conformity will not be met
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
My will is strong, can you take it?
I whip my hair back and forth
Do not expect me to be anything less than myself
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
My hair resembles the hand of Jackson Pollack both in its motion and purpose
I'm going get more shine than a little bit
I will flourish in my realm of self-expression
Soon as I hit the stage applause iam hearing it
And you will love my self-expression
Weather its black stars black cars iam feeling it
My expression will create a class free world
But no other do it like I do
My individuality only pertains to me
I, I gets it in hmmm yea I go hard
I am relentlessly expressing myself.
When they see me pull up I whip it real hard
As others realize my creativity, I express myself even harder
I whip it real hard, real hard, I whip it real hard
And will continue to express myself harder and harder
Don't let haters keep me off my grind
Society’s attempts to dampen my expression are futile
Keep my head up and I know i'll be fine
My individuality will continue to rest on my shoulders
Keep fighting until I (yea)
I will continue to express myself
Am down and I feel like giving up
Unless I no longer feel like it.
I whip my hair back and forth
My hair is a doorway, and the act of whipping it, the key
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
My aesthetic presentation is a representation of my non-conformist beliefs
I whip my hair back and forth
Individuality is the essence of my soul
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
If you expect me to be outrageous, I will be extra outrageous
I whip my hair back and forth
Creativity is that which fuels me
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
Many have tried to tie me down, but like Michael Jackson in the “Leave me alone” music vide, you are tiny dogs and I am a superstar.
I whip my hair back and forth
All around the world people whip their hair
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I will destroy your establishment
I whip my hair back and forth
Hide your kids, hide your wife
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
I hit you like a hurricane, best board up your windows
I whip my hair back and forth
There is no such thing as a uniform group
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
The very laws of physics bow to the power of my expression
I whip my hair back and forth
A new paradigm of self expression is underway
I whip my hair back and forth (ok, ok just whip my hair)
Like a magician I create whimsy from nothing
I whip my hair back and forth
My hair is a force of nature
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
Even your conformist hair can be whipped into an expression of your deepest soul
I whip my hair back and forth
We must change our perspectives on our part in society’s whole
I whip my hair back and forth (ok, ok just whip my hair)
I preach to those whose creativity overtakes them
I whip my hair back and forth
The unexpected is my temple
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
Like the ocean, it may be low tide or high tide but my individuality will be ever present
I whip my hair back and forth
There is a void that is only filled by erratic behavior
I whip my hair back and forth (ok, ok just whip my hair)
I will not whip once, but will forever whip
I whip my hair back and forth
It is never to late to reject the throes of conformity
I whip my hair back and forth
Aesthetic chaos can create conceptual beauty
Ladies if you feel me
Are you a female who believes in self-expression?
Do it do it whip your hair
Then go ahead and express yourself
Dont' matter if its long, short
No matter what manner you wish your expression to take
Do it do it whip your hair
Do it and express yourself fiercely.
Ladies if you feel me
Do you believe in individuality?
Come on do it do it whip your hair
Express yourself how you feel
Dont' matter if its long, short
Express yourself however you feel
Do it do it whip your hair (your hair, your hair)
Do it! Express yourself!
I whip my hair back and forth
This conformist regime will not last
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip my hair)
Charm and wit are overrated, place faith in oneself
I whip my hair back and forth
Paradigms of the meaning of individuality are clashing and we must stake our claim as the rulers of ourselves
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
Even when I am not whipping my hair, my hair is whipping
I whip my hair back and forth
Creativity is the source of my goodness
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip my hair)
My self-expression has no time for your personal space
I whip my hair back and forth
Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
My expression rages like a forest fire spreading through conformist society
I whip my hair back and forth
Others may not tell you how to express yourself, so here is a recommendation
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip my hair)
Movement and change are forces of nature I wield like a sword
I whip my hair back and forth
There is no light at the end of the tunnel, we must instead dig ourselves out
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
Though society expects my hair to stay rigidly still, I will move it through space as I see fit
I whip my hair back and forth
Do not believe the lie, we are the conductors of our expression
I whip my hair back and forth
I have discovered the law of creativity
I whip my hair back and forth
Before tapping into your self-expression, you must shed your tainted skin
I whip my hair back and forth
Your self doubt is a rejection of your ability to flourish
I whip my hair back and forth
Allow me to share my individuality with you
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
There is no self-expression without the rejection of traditional expectations
I whip my hair back and forth
Society is designed to limit the abilities of you creativity
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
Nothing is as stifling as the rigidness of daily life
I whip my hair back and forth
The universe is spiraling into self-destruction unless you break free of its physical laws
I whip my hair back and forth (just whip it)
Upon accepting aesthetic freedom, you will rejoice
Upon accepting aesthetic freedom, you will rejoice
I whip my hair back and forth
My individuality is insured
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
I whip my hair back and forth (whip it real good)
Tapping into your individuality may give you whiplash
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